In 2005 Bruce Springsteen closed every concert on his solo tour with this incredible cover of a no-wave classic.
East River Pipe is a one-man dream pop machine fronted by one FM Cornog, a man whose backstory would make him a shoe-in for an Oscar if he were an actor instead of a man with a guitar, an 8-track recorder, and a sad voice that breaks your heart again and again.
In yesterday's post, I mentioned the band Voxtrot, an Austin, Texas-based combo who are garnering some serious buzz (bordering on hype) in indie circles.
I saw this Canadian quartet at the Hemlock Tavern in San Francisco just prior to SXSW. They were opening up for the band Voxtrot, and their live show blew me away -- so much so that I dragged my friends to see them again in Austin.
Headlights are a 5-piece indie pop band who I first ran across while researching shows to see at this year's SXSW music festival. They're from Champaign, Illinois, and in late 2004 released a limited-edition, mailorder-only EP (dubbed "The Enemies EP") that flew right under my radar.
Hey there, stranger. I've been more than a little slack about posting to the Rockschool recently. But after getting some tough love/encouragement/ inspiration from Robert over at Rhapsody Radish while driving around a very rainy San Francisco the week before last, I'm back.
Despite their name, the band French Kicks aren't from Paris or into karate. They do make some good music, though, and one of my personal favorites is the song "Crying Just for Show." The song, off of their 2002 album One Time Bells, was one of my big Rhapsody finds of 2003, making it onto many a mix that summer. I noticed that we added some of the band's newer material to Rhapsody recently, but kept going back to this. Good stuff.
Canadian pop group Stars are one of my favorite discoveries of the past few years. Their album, Heart, and single "Elevator Love Song," blew my mind when I first heard them, and last year's album Set Yourself on Fire was my personal pick for album of the year.
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